black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited July 6, 2020
Hi, Don. I really like the stark black and white contrast. Perhaps I'm a little different here, but in shots #1 and #3, I find the stem leads my eyes right out of the frame.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
I guess I viewed #3 and Tom's comment a bit differently.
My eyes immediately went from lower left to upper right, across the image, then taking in the detailed white flower. So, there you have it...same photo two different perspectives...exactly what a photo (IMHO) should do. Invite dialogue, convey expression, emotion and provide engaging content for discussion.
Hi, Don. I really like the stark black and white contrast. Perhaps I'm a little different here, but in shots #1 and #3, I find the stem leads my eyes right out of the frame.
Thanks for the feedback, Tom.
Don you are a master so I double check my input......but the bokeh element didn't work for me in all three shots. Cheers mate!
I like the contrast and the subject.
I guess I viewed #3 and Tom's comment a bit differently.
My eyes immediately went from lower left to upper right, across the image, then taking in the detailed white flower. So, there you have it...same photo two different perspectives...exactly what a photo (IMHO) should do. Invite dialogue, convey expression, emotion and provide engaging content for discussion.
Thanks for sharing this set!
El Gato
Taz, Gato, thanks for the comments. I knew these wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea but they are mine.
Thanks, eigen.