share icon does not use color specified by site <<< issue is resolved >>>

denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,418 moderator
edited July 7, 2020 in Bug Reporting

<<< Issue is resolved, no longer a problem >>>

A recent change in SmugMug has rendered the Share icon on my site invisible.

My site background is white. All other icons are blue, as specified in my site design.
The Share icon is white.

A white icon against a white background is pretty much invisible.

Luckily for me I don't enable sharing for site visitors - although I do find it pretty disconcerting when I am trying to share photos. At first I thought the sharing option was gone and I knew that I hadn't removed it for me.

Can this be changed to use the site-specfied color?

Screen shot taken on July 7, 2020


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