Thanks all, I agree the baby goat is very cute. the small mammal is a Pika it is much smaller than a marmot, we also saw one with some anger management issues.
The hike starts at 3500 meters and climbs to 3700 m (between 11,500 to 12,000 feet) at the highest point.
Ok, lock-in since March, unable to travel much anywhere, the highest elevation reasonably close, is the on/off ramp of the highway through town...and then this great set of to make one envious!!
Cristóbal, as an avid hiker (now slowing down some), what can I say but, these are wonderful. Love the wildlife!
Oh man , the baby goat is the winner! I wish I had seen those things!
Looks like a wonderful hike. My fave is #4 with the marmot (?) - great composition.
Beautiful place. What's the elevation?
Thanks all, I agree the baby goat is very cute. the small mammal is a Pika it is much smaller than a marmot, we also saw one with some anger management issues.
The hike starts at 3500 meters and climbs to 3700 m (between 11,500 to 12,000 feet) at the highest point.
Here is the marmot
Great stuff, Cristóbal. How far were you from that young goat? Man, the last time I was at those kind of elevations I was sucking air the whole time.
Hi Tom I was really close to the baby goat and had a long lens.
Ok, lock-in since March, unable to travel much anywhere, the highest elevation reasonably close, is the on/off ramp of the highway through town...and then this great set of to make one envious!!
Cristóbal, as an avid hiker (now slowing down some), what can I say but, these are wonderful. Love the wildlife!
Great set. Thanks for taking on a great hike! 🥾👍🏼
El Gato
Glad you enjoyed them Gato. I am fortunate to be in Colorado with access to many great trails.