Bulls-eye Glass. ... A bullseye (manufacturers' spelling) is the result of producing crown glass, a common process until the 19th century. The bullseye comes from a mouth-blown rondel that has been cut down to make square or rectangular panes
It is better to die on you feet than to live on your knees.....Emiliano Zapata
Nice! I like it. If it were mine I would crop the bottom a bit. Maybe a square crop.
Good one! I agree that a crop at the bottom would help.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
Ask and ye shall receive:
Ha!... You got me fooled...
I take my nietos to Fort Ticonderoga frequently and the bull's eye glass always catches my eye.
Version 2 rocks! Cheers Willard!
I like the new crop also. Was the glass that way or was it hit with a BB?
Thomson, Ga. USA
Bulls-eye Glass. ... A bullseye (manufacturers' spelling) is the result of producing crown glass, a common process until the 19th century. The bullseye comes from a mouth-blown rondel that has been cut down to make square or rectangular panes
Thanks for the explanation, that is why the old houses are so unique!
Thomson, Ga. USA
Nice shot, interesting. I don't think I've ever seen bulls-eye glass.
Very nice image Willard! I agree, too, the revision to image number two is spot on.
El Gato