black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited July 31, 2020
Ah ha, Gato, I see that you and I share an affliction: a little weirdness here and there is good for the soul. It helps keep everything else on an even keel. Take care.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Good golly, how lucky can we be. First, Lauren drops by from out of the blue, and now you honor us as well. Mercy, it's more excitement than I can take. On top of all this, I had a good, long talk with Randy Wells recently. He's looking to move to Tennessee or Kentucky if he can find the right setup. He wanted to pick my brain about that area. Some of you long-time forum members will remember Randy. His photo work is outstanding and I really miss it.
I haven't forgotten, Mary, that I promised you I would shoot some of those old wooden, rickety bridges that are all over the place up in those mountains. Sadly, a friend up there advised me that one of my very favorite bridges got washed away in some of the severe flooding they've had up there. I'll be up there for the month of October and I'll keep my promise.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Good golly, how lucky can we be. First, Lauren drops by from out of the blue, and now you honor us as well. Mercy, it's more excitement than I can take. On top of all this, I had a good, long talk with Randy Wells recently. He's looking to move to Tennessee or Kentucky if he can find the right setup. He wanted to pick my brain about that area. Some of you long-time forum members will remember Randy. His photo work is outstanding and I really miss it.
I haven't forgotten, Mary, that I promised you I would shoot some of those old wooden, rickety bridges that are all over the place up in those mountains. Sadly, a friend up there advised me that one of my very favorite bridges got washed away in some of the severe flooding they've had up there. I'll be up there for the month of October and I'll keep my promise.
Me too .. I miss Randy's work! He is one of the best! Happy to hear you talked with him and they are doing well.
Sorry to hear one of your bridges was washed away. It's always so sad to see that happen as we hope they will stand forever. I'll keep an eye on your postings in Oct/Nov. Take care and stay safe.
Bit freaky but cool capture Tom!
Ha! Never knew what you looked like until now...
Thanks, buddy. I think it's a whole lot freaky.
Well, Sara, I was having a bad hair day and I let my guard down. Stay safe.
Oh yea...I like it!!
Well done Tom!
El Gato
Ah ha, Gato, I see that you and I share an affliction: a little weirdness here and there is good for the soul. It helps keep everything else on an even keel. Take care.
I think it’s awesome
From someone who turns out some awesome stuff himself, I'm proud of the compliment. Thanks, Cristóbal.
I like it!
Good golly, how lucky can we be. First, Lauren drops by from out of the blue, and now you honor us as well. Mercy, it's more excitement than I can take. On top of all this, I had a good, long talk with Randy Wells recently. He's looking to move to Tennessee or Kentucky if he can find the right setup. He wanted to pick my brain about that area. Some of you long-time forum members will remember Randy. His photo work is outstanding and I really miss it.
I haven't forgotten, Mary, that I promised you I would shoot some of those old wooden, rickety bridges that are all over the place up in those mountains. Sadly, a friend up there advised me that one of my very favorite bridges got washed away in some of the severe flooding they've had up there. I'll be up there for the month of October and I'll keep my promise.
Me too .. I miss Randy's work! He is one of the best! Happy to hear you talked with him and they are doing well.
Sorry to hear one of your bridges was washed away. It's always so sad to see that happen as we hope they will stand forever. I'll keep an eye on your postings in Oct/Nov. Take care and stay safe.