Coyote Surprise
I have never been much of a Wildlife Photog, concentrating on mostly stationary subjects like "Mountains and Trees". While on vacation a few months back, Yes, mid-pandemic, we spent our time on a lake in N. AZ. White mountains. I happened upon a wildlife photographer and she explained a few things to me about Shutterspeed, reach, etc.She gave me a few tips and away I went. I am far from having the right equipment but having an amazing time honing some new skills. The below images of these Coyotes were taken in Scottsdale AZ. in the local Golf Course.
I like the sharpness of the coyote and the blurred background. I like #2 and the impossibly long and thin legs.
This was the first time I saw these yotes. I agree with you on the long legs, she is a beauty.
Well done!!
Shot at their eye level, with clean soft backgrounds of lovely bokeh.
The gesture in #3 is lovely, I just wish I could seen all of its legs.
The light in 1 and 4 are soft and sweet, and the eye contact in 4 is perfect. Very nicely captured.
Most of the coyotes I see in Indiana or in Yellowstone National Park or Glacier National Park have all been more silver grey. The color of the coat in your images reminds me of wild dogs in Africa.
The long legs in #2 lead me to think it is still not full grown.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Thanks for taking the time to comment Pathfinder.

These young Golf Course Marauders were sporting their 113 degree summer weather coats.
The image in #3, I was trying to stalk him and he knew I was there.
He picked up the branch and started displaying. I was trying to hide behind a hill, raise slightly up to get the shot and back down again.
I agree, I would love to have gotten the whole body while his hair was raised on his back. I did get him rubbing in the grass showing me who is boss around there, Then off to the shelter of the trees.
The other juvenile Yote, his coat was had terrible mange, but he was a semi willing participant. He allowed me to get close enough to grab a few quick shots.
I didn't appreciate the high temperature from the photos with all the greenery, but I assume a golf course is watered as I think about it a bit.
I'm sorry to hear about the mange, that is frequently a fatal disease for canids. We had a fox die nearby locally with mange, its was fairly widespread last summer in the wild canids. Fortunately my dog was not afflicted.
I do like your images of the coyote in repose on the ground - very attractive. Its always nice to be able to capture young critters in nice soft light with clean backgrounds.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Nice captures!
These critters were taking advantage of the cool Sprinklers that come in the evenings.

An update on the young Yote, He seems to be thriving, and growing.
I saw him the other week and he looks nearly full grown.
Cool Sprinklers
Thanx Stumble.