Juvenile bald eagle
A few days ago, I shot a beautiful bald eagle (see the wildlife forum), I went back to the same site a few days later and found this juvenile. It had just caught a fish and immediately other birds flew in hoping for some scraps. Light was horrible, that's why I had to go high key on this one.
This is really good. The high key works very well. I love the composition as is, but I'd also like to see it cropped up from the bottom just enough to hide the other birds. Either way, it's outstanding.
I agree; this is good...
Nice grab Cristobal...
Thanks for the comments and suggestion, I think the crop could work, although for me the birds are part of the story.
Good one. I wish I could see a larger version.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
Great! Epic! If mine, about 2 inches from top is coming off. Cheers Cristobal!
Hi Don, Here you go, This is as big as I can post from my website.
Thanks Taz, I tried the crop you are thinking about before posting, but preferred to keep the entire tree. However, you might be right...
If you want you can squeeze in edges a bit but the image is beautiful! The white bg is rocking the starkness of the branch, Eagle's royal position and pose and little birds like courtiers!
Orig had way too much top.....
Cheers Cristobal!
Cristobal, I like the last crop best. There's less empty space, for one thing.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
I agree about the high key treatment--this is stunning. I definitely think the other birds are part of the story, scavengers waiting for a morsel. That last version is the best comp, IMO.
Well done Cristobal!
Lauren Blackwell
Thanks Lauren!
Really like the high key...striking treatment and excellent choice to overcome a difficult background. Every artist's mind's eye see differently, like your take on this subject.
I would agree, in most cases, less is more. For me I would crop from the sides and create a vertical presentation more than a square/horizontal one. But we all see differently
Well done!
El Gato