Our little town

Comments are welcome. I decided to keep the processing to a minimum on this one for a couple of reasons.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
Comments are welcome. I decided to keep the processing to a minimum on this one for a couple of reasons.
That's a pretty big place, Don. I see some construction cranes so, apparently, it's going to get even more developed,
It's no little.town by any means! I like the layers you created, dark on the bottom left, the valley and buildings and finally the.mountains. I find the plane distracting, I'm betting Taz will want you to remove it!
Thanks, Cristobal. The plane is a little blurred, as are all the cars, because the exposure time was 1/15th of a second for all seven of the shots that went into this. Doesn't bother me.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
I actually like the plane - it gives a sense of scale and for me the thought - aha, this place is big enough for an airport. Nice shot, Don.
That’s Southwest Airlines! Yes, it gives a sense of scale. Nice shot showing the golden glow and nice not to see bumper traffic on freeway.
Sara, AnnaMaria, thanks. "Nice shot showing the golden glow and nice not to see bumper traffic on freeway." I'm sorry for the cause of the light traffic but I don't mind the result.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
Sorry...that should have said nice to not see bumper traffic.
I didn't notice the omission. Knew what you meant.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
Nice image! I like the subject and the layering application, well done.
Ever consider taking the same shot (location) at night?
The city aglow with colors from various light sources and those from the highway, could be an interesting shot.
Displaying them one above the other, could also make for a unique presentation of the subject. Just a thought.
El Gato
Thanks, Gato. I gave more consideration to taking this shot at dawn or just as the sun strikes the skyline. To be in place for a nighttime or dawn shot, though, I'd have to hike through the mountain preserve in the dark. It's safe enough when it's light but I wouldn't feel comfortable out there in the dark.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
I hear you Don! 👍
I've been to a few places where I would have loved to get back to at night for a shot. But, realized that I would not be at the top of the food chain, compared to what might be out there prowling around at night. Figured it be best to pass on the shot.
El Gato