Stairs and Steeples

Spent some free time working on this theme and came away with these.
All were taken within the past two years, just now having time to work on them.
Stay safe...keep well everyone!!
Spent some free time working on this theme and came away with these.
All were taken within the past two years, just now having time to work on them.
Stay safe...keep well everyone!!
Brilliant set Gato!
However, there are some easy things to fix:
Still enjoyed it much! Cheers!
I agree with Taz about #1 and #3.....and I would add #4 as well. With #2 I find an awful lot of things fighting for my attention. Shooting in those kind of environments is double tough. Thanks for these.
Nice grab on 4.... Chop notwithstanding...
I like the processing of #1 and #2, for some reason I find the processing of #3 somewhat dull. I agree with the straightening of these shots. From my experience it can sometimes be difficult to get it right, you fix a vertical and another goes the wrong way. LR Guided Transformation can be helpful.
Many thanks for your comments.
I will fix #1 and #3... For future work.. I'll remember to use my hot-shoe level, should help immensely.
I looked at #2, agree, some sort of tint. I went back and cleared all setting and brought the original back into PS. I have attached the updated image. Hope this one is better.
Alas, #4...operator error. Accidentally clipped off the upper-most tip of the steeple in the original photo. Agree 100%... would have made a better image had I not snipped off the top. Learning to check ALL sides and margins before clicking shutter release! Lessons learned.
Thanks again Taz!!
El Gato
Tom, Rags, Cristóbal...
Thanks for your input and comments. Always helpful and appreciated.
Will require more work on verticals and assuring that camera on the tripod is level, regardless of what the scene may look like to the eye.
Thanks again everyone!
El Gato
LOVE the rework Gato! Bravo!
Thanks Taz!!!
El Gato
Excellent rework. Go with the leveling device. Considering the old barns I chase, where nothing is level or square, I started religiously using the device in my tripod ball head years ago.....let the chips fall where they may. That said, of course there are times when architectural work benefits from a little computer help to present a more realistic image. Take care, buddy.
Copy that Tom!
Leveling device is now packed as a permanent part of my kit.
El Gato