Rust elixir and rocks
I was kicking around on top of Cadillac Mountain near Bar Harbor, Maine. The whole mountain is made up of pink granite. I saw some really large stones with lichen and other fungus-looking stuff all over them. I thought it might be neat to sprinkle a little rust elixir on the stones. After that experience I had with the elixir on that old coquina wall in St. Augustine, I didn't know what to expect.
Here are the results.
1 )
2 )
3 )
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Pretty cool Tom! I like the first one the best.
Wonderful texture and colors! I like #3 best!
Rust Elixir is the best stuff, isn't it? I carry a medium size box of it with me when I'm out on road trips. You never know when you're going to need it to help good images become great images. You used it well here. Been up to Cadillac at least four times now, and you made it glow better than I ever did, plus it looks like you got good morning or evening light coming in to boot. I forgot the elixir when in St. Augustine a couple years back, so my images of the wall and everything else on St. George Street were just average.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Thanks, buddy.
Thanks, Taz. You never know what that elixir will do when you start slinging it around.
Boy, David, you're dead right. I never hit the road without a generous supply of the elixir on me. Talk about good light, I spent about 3 weeks on a road trip through New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine and I don't think I saw more than two clouds the whole time.....except for a brief spell on top of Mt. Washington. In fact, there were a few times when shooting the coastline of Maine.....that I would have appreciated a bit more raw weather to accentuate the drama of the scene. Thanks for looking in.
Nice colors, Tom.
Rust elixir, you say: I picture you as a warlock sprinkling it around.
Great collection! Can't pick a favorite. Don't know if I have any elixir around here--you may have to send me some
Lauren Blackwell
Thanks, Willard. I can tell you this much: when I start slinging that stuff around, folks head for the hills. Nobody wants to get it on themselves.
I don't know, Lauren. They've cracked down on me shipping that stuff. People are known to do strange things when they come in contact with it. I thought that I had become impervious to it's effects but Darlene says that she has noticed quite a stager in my walk lately.
Do you have to chant something when you apply the elixir?
These are very good, Tom. The colors in the third are a little too close to a psychedelic album cover to me. I think the first two are terrific. I've photographed lichens on granite without much success--yours are way better.
Thanks, Don. You ask a very good question. I used to incorporate a little chanting into my elixir sprinkling episodes. I had to drop the chanting.....too many folks that were witnessing the process were passing out on me. Bad for business.
I'll add to what everyone else has said...very well done!!
I like #3...kinda, sorta, reminds me of some college days (daze) spent in Amsterdam during a study abroad semester.
Always love a photo which brings back memories!
El Gato
Ahhhh, I think I remember the memories I'm supposed to remember, but I can't remember if that's right.