Mistaken Identity
While stumbling around the marina in Fernandina, Florida's northern-most settlement, I spied what surely had to be a well-disguised missile defense system. I fled to the authorities to report this find.
After some stern interrogation, I was advised to not go back to this place for the rest of the day.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
'ay tom, don't see the missile defense system but the gentleman o' fortune ye got be mighty cool! ye rule the east coast! up an' down up an' down, ne'er a moment wasted!
missal defense. fire a missal at him> @Stumblebum said:
I told you it was well disguised. Look at all those tall dock post pointing skyward. Notice also that they are equipped with a rocket nose. Man, somebody was really clever.
You know, now that I think about it, I might have been suffering from too much exposure to " Star Wars " lately. Fact is, I'm not sure what happened. Damn that Palace Saloon..... it's not the first time that place has bitten me. Probably won't be the last.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
You know, Don, I've even heard people, who know what they are, ask why they're so tall. Look at the posts in the mid-ground and you can see the high tide mark. You dock a big boat at high tide and you'll savor every inch of those post's height. Keep safe, buddy.
Aaaaaarh ne'er saw the poles, only saw the boats. 'idden in plain sight.
Well, Taz, I can't hold you accountable for missing the missile defense system. Fact is, it's only people like me with an exaggerated imagination that would notice it. It didn't help, of course, that I had spent the morning with the old peg-legged captain and his crew while we downed a few pints of grog. Once you tangle with grog, you gain a real appreciation for how things got a little rowdy around those pirates. Take care, my friend.
Nice clandestine capture Tom.
Love the "hiding in plain sight" approach..who would of thunk??
What also impressed me was how clean a majority of these "posts" are.
Not a seagull or much evidence of a seagull to be seen.
Must be that OWL (Osprey Warning Light) out of frame to the right.
El Gato
Great observation, Gato. The vary purpose for the design of the post cap is that it discouraged any winged creatures from landing on them.....too tough to deal with the slope of the cap. Obviously, it was a well-conceived design that works. Stay safe.
The true test is to look for bird poop at the bottom.........no bird poop, it's working.