New to Hummingbird Photography
Hi all, it's been a while since I posted and thought it was time I shared. With SiP I've been trying to make the best of my time at home and one way has been learning to photograph humming birds. I've been shooting at high speeds/ISOs but have also recently started using flashes, as in the case here. It's been a challenge to get this right and is still a work in progress but it's been fun learning the process.
Here's my setup
I have been thinking of doing the same type of set up. I too am trying to learn the ins n outs of capturing hummingbirds.
Nice capture of the hummingbird. Were you successful on several shots? or a lot of buggers.
Looks like you are well on your way. Flash looks a little hard/hot, have you tried any diffusers.
Wow - the wings are still in motion in your flash image -
I like he way you have added a background to replace your lovely maroon fence
Shooting hummingbirds is not for the faint of heart - DAMHIK 😎
Are you shooting in High Speed Synch, or is your shutter speed limited to 1/250th or so?
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Just getting back into shooting after many years, I tried my hand at hummers. Not 100% thrilled with these, but I will do better next season with dif body and longer lens.
Looking at your setup, the ambient light is way better than mine. Why flash? Better color? I would think you could freeze without.
I'm new to this forum otherwise I would have posted comments sooner. Hummingbirds definitely pose interesting challenges to capturing those flighty, fast, little guys. Nice job and quite the set up! @brendon28 ... I assume you have the one choice, Ruby-Throated Hummingbird, as I have in NC. Good job!