Marketing Mock-ups? graphics of Bay Photo products offered

I'm a total noob to selling prints. Up until the pandemic I was a professional face and body painting artist who took photos for fun.
Anyway, I'm building my website and setting it up to sell prints of my landscape/ nature photos.I will be offering portraiture, but my main focus at this moment is the fine art.
I would like to have a product description/ FAQ page. The shopping cart does walk people through nicely, however I was thinking it may be smart to have a page with more visual guidance to look at so they have an idea of what to order before they enter the cart. I'm wondering if anyone knows if Bay Photo ( or if SM has access to) some templates or graphics that can be used. What I'm looking for exactly are paper/surface type comparisons, mount types, up close corner photos of the canvas prints and blocks (like what Bay Photo has on their site) I realize I may have to just take my own photos and make my own graphics, but I thought I would check if there is such a resource before I go that route.
I have a 2nd question along the same lines... Do some artists limit the type of prints they offer so that it isn't so overwhelming? I guess I'm asking because I'm feeling overwhelmed myself! HAHA!
Anyway, I'm building my website and setting it up to sell prints of my landscape/ nature photos.I will be offering portraiture, but my main focus at this moment is the fine art.
I would like to have a product description/ FAQ page. The shopping cart does walk people through nicely, however I was thinking it may be smart to have a page with more visual guidance to look at so they have an idea of what to order before they enter the cart. I'm wondering if anyone knows if Bay Photo ( or if SM has access to) some templates or graphics that can be used. What I'm looking for exactly are paper/surface type comparisons, mount types, up close corner photos of the canvas prints and blocks (like what Bay Photo has on their site) I realize I may have to just take my own photos and make my own graphics, but I thought I would check if there is such a resource before I go that route.
I have a 2nd question along the same lines... Do some artists limit the type of prints they offer so that it isn't so overwhelming? I guess I'm asking because I'm feeling overwhelmed myself! HAHA!
I created a page that does just that:
For your second question, I do limit the size of print, and other merchandise for that reason.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
Mike, That is EXACTLY what my vision is! Thank you! May I ask you where you got the graphics to show the different types of paper? I believe I saw those on the Smugmug or Bay Photo site. Do we need any permission to use those stock photos? I would really prefer to use my own photos and in a perfect world would love to know if there is a template we can slip our own image into. I may reach out to Bay Photo and see if they are willing to help me out. Hopefully that won't be too presumptuous.
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This is the code I used to create the page:
Those are from SmugMug.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
This is AWESOME! Thank you again Mike, you have been so helpful. I'll show you when I'm finished! :-)
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@Hikin' Mike OK! I did it! I know very little about HTML or CSS and your instructions were clear enough I was able to install it and even customize and take parts out I didn't want to sell.
Here is my page....
The next thing I would like to do is pin my header and footer, and the footer being a solid accent color. I really like the way you have done it on your site. I came across your post with the instructions however I didn't have the same luck. I couldn't get it to work. Again I understand almost nothing about CSS, so I'm only guessing. I'm wondering if it didn't work because I already have the code in the template CSS for the product page and I didn't add the additional code properly? or, maybe it's because I have an Independant Homepage? Would you be willing to help me figure it out?
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I added that, using a webtool, to your site and it worked for me. I did notice that it didn't pin the SmugMug "Powered By" stuff (I hide mine), so I edited that tutorial to add that. Add that under the code you added for your Product CSS (your theme's custom CSS) and it should work. Leave it there if by chance it's not working, this way I can see it for myself.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
@Hikin' Mike Hi! I've been meaning to update you and thank you for the code to pin the header and footer. I think it worked, but the problem isn't the code but that I imagined it doing something else. It seems that my content doesn't just scroll between the header and the footer. It all moves up and right over my header. That is what I was hoping to stop. I think what I'm looking for is how to make a content block a solid background color and have the content scroll between it. Does that make sense? Thanks again for your help, I so appreciate your time.
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Unfortunately I don't understand. Do you have an example that I can see? I'm more of a visual, than a read about.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk