black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
It's clear to me now why that Nemo character was a little off-beat. But, as usual, Cristóbal, I generally like your doodling and I like this one as well.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
@black mamba said:
It's clear to me now why that Nemo character was a little off-beat. But, as usual, Cristóbal, I generally like your doodling and I like this one as well.
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
Back in high school, some of my crowd called me " doodles ". I admit that I was into the higher levels of the science of doodling. Higher levels of education, though, stunted my opportunities for such endeavors. You know, my penchant for rust work was largely due to me just doodling around with some rust images. Before I knew it, the process became....and is....a prime passion of mine. So, buddy, I encourage you keep on doodling. It is fun, can be good for the soul, and we get to enjoy some of the fruits of your imagination. Keep it up.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Ever think of a similar image/approach and using the night sky and the stars...overlaying the stars and their representative asterism? Just a thought. With your creative pursuit and application as demonstrated in this image, the outcome should be just as beautiful.
It's clear to me now why that Nemo character was a little off-beat. But, as usual, Cristóbal, I generally like your doodling and I like this one as well.
Incredible! Mesmerizing! But seem like semi-monotonic. Not too many different colors. It is not hurting it but I get that feeling.
Thanks Tom, I do enjoy doodling, it’s great fun.
Thanks Taz, according to Captain Nemo, deep under the ocean, there’s not a lot of light !
Back in high school, some of my crowd called me " doodles ". I admit that I was into the higher levels of the science of doodling. Higher levels of education, though, stunted my opportunities for such endeavors. You know, my penchant for rust work was largely due to me just doodling around with some rust images. Before I knew it, the process became....and is....a prime passion of mine. So, buddy, I encourage you keep on doodling. It is fun, can be good for the soul, and we get to enjoy some of the fruits of your imagination. Keep it up.
Cristó always very cool and creative.
Ever think of a similar image/approach and using the night sky and the stars...overlaying the stars and their representative asterism? Just a thought. With your creative pursuit and application as demonstrated in this image, the outcome should be just as beautiful.
Well done!!
El Gato
Thanks Gato, I actually did try adding some stars into the mix, but settled for this version in the end.