Results Mini Challenge # 306: My home town

First thanks to all who participated, it was a nice and very diverse set of images and my main conclusion is you all live in beautiful areas and/or towns.
Here's some individual comments:
@Cavalier , The first photo really emphasises the tranquility and I seem to remember the same (or similar) contageous smile from the lovely young ladies. You can see they are having a good time.
@JAG , Wow, what a view from your deck, and a very nice photo of a beautiful moment there, fall colours and snowy mountains in the background. I bet you sit a lot outside to watch the different seasons roll by
@DavidRGillespie , Nice diverse set, the first has a nice mood (maybe just clean up two dust bunnies in the sky) and the third is indeed interesting architecture, despite it not being tto old
@Lab_Tested , I like the moose but the moonlit canyon takes the cake for me,still light enough to see alot and still dark enough to preserve the night mood.
@grandmaR , Nice local reportage, I especially like the marina shot with the reflection in the water.
@sarasphotos , Three very diverse photo's from Augsburg, I like the impressive architecture of the second and the very tranquil mood of the third
@lkbart , I just love your first photo, it looks like two lovers holding hand in the moonlight The two others are nice as well, with the beautiful sunset and a mirroring lake
@sapphire73 , Great snowscapes, that museum almost looks like a church but I like the second photo even better due to more layering and depth
One confession, the comments were relatively easy, picking the winner was not so that explains the little delay. I made my choices but wanted to let it rest for a half day to see if I still felt the same, since there are so many great photos here.
But here they come:
Third place goes to @Lab_Tested for a wonderful moonlit night shot:
Second place is for @lkbart for a shot of "two lovers" enjoying the moonlight
And the winner is @JAG for a very good photo from her deck in the fall
Congrats to all three and Joyce, the next one is yours.
My SmugMug
@pegelli Pieter I can certainly understand how you had a hard time judging this one - I'm not sure who I would have chosen myself. @JAG Congratulation on the win - I always love the pictures from your deck! @lkbart and @Lab_Tested congratulations to you two, too for such great shots.
Wow! That was unexpected by me! Kudos @pegelli Pieter for a well run challenge! Thank you for the first place too! I'm sure it was difficult as there were so many awesome entries. Congrats to @lkbart and @Lab_Tested for your placings as well. And to all who entered. You all live in such beautiful places! I will get up the next challenge asap. Just have to come up with something...
A great idea for the mini, and you did a wonderful job of picking the winners.
Congrats to Joyce and everyone for a great mini!
Book 2:
Thanks to @pegelli for running this, and for the 3rd place mention. With every contest, I am amazed at the quality of the entries and I am glad someone else has to make the difficult choices. And congrats to @JAG and @lkbart. Truly outstanding photos.
Great theme & comments - love your interpretation of the "two lovers"! No idea what they really are. Very honored to get 2nd place, thanks! & Congrats to @Lab_Tested & @JAG for the win!
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Lilllian, I think they are "cyclones". They blow grain (or other small granules) with compressed air through pipes to these "lovers" and the grain then falls out of the bottom in the silo and the air leaves via the small chimney on top.
My SmugMug
@pegelli , Pieter, Thanks for a great mini, and for the encouraging comments. Congrats to @Lab_Tested @lkbart and @JAG .
Dave Gillespie
Thank you for a great mini and your comments. There were certainly a lot of great entries! Congratulations to @JAG, @lkbart and @Lab_Tested !
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