The holy grail
This has been a target of mine for more years than I want to think of. It sits, barely visible from the road, deep back on a very large tract of land. There are signs on the road threatening all sorts of inhumane things that will happen to intruders to the property. Through a friend ( whom I did not know ) of a friend of mine, I was granted permission to enter the property. I was greeted by an older lady with a ferocious looking dog and taken to the site. Despite my trepidations, particularly about the dog, the lady was gracious and gave me a bit of history about the place. Her great, great, great grandparents built this one room home as youngsters and lived out their lives there. They had experienced a recorded Indian attack very early on.
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You find them like its easy to find them! I like second one more!
Thanks, Taz. You have to remember that I'm stomping around in an environment that's rich in these things.
A very interesting piece of history (local and otherwise) recorded for those whom such buildings and accompanying stories will only ever be experienced via your photographs!
The stone-work is amazing. Still standing and probably functional, even after all these years.
Great images!
Thanks, Tom for sharing this experience and story.
El Gato
Nice stone work, Tom
It's the kind of place that makes you very aware of history. Good work!
You know, Gato, life without passions would be a dull experience. A primary passion of mine is to track down and record as much of this kind of stuff as I can. It's a real bonus when I can meet and talk with folks who may have a tie to my subject. I'm really honored to share some of my finds with those who have an interest in such stuff. Thanks for your support.
Thanks. That fireplace ( very evident in the first shot ) has quite a forward lean to it. The lady said it has been that way as long as she can remember. But, man, it looked to me to be the next thing to crumble.
Thanks, Don. This place is probably the leader of my finds in the context that you mention.