SmugMug as backup

I've been using OneDrive for years. But recently I found out it's messing up my IPTC data - specifically, my keyword tags. And apparently OneDrive isn't the only cloud storage service that puts its fingers in your metadata.
I'm now thinking about just relying on SmugMug for my backup, since my full size files are stored here. But I have a couple of questions.
So far, whenever I re-edit an image, I delete the one already here and upload a new one. But that messes up my gallery order, and maybe my SEO. Is there a way to overwrite an existing file on upload of a new one?
If disaster strikes at my house, and I need to get my portfolio back, is there a way to download it from SmugMug all at once? Or would it be hundreds of individual downloads?
Hi Jim,
We offer different sort settings that can help you keep your gallery sorted even if you were to delete and reupload. E.g. you could check to use a proper filename sequence (0001.jpg, 0002.jpg, 0100.jpg) and then set sort to by filename. The sequence can also consist of the date if you do start with year+month+day followed by a sequence number. There's lots of options and you may add custom text to each filename as long as the beginning of the filename is the same type of sequence for all photos.
You may also sort by date taken if you want your photos in chronological order (if all cameras involved have the correct date / time set).
I'd advise against deleting and reuploading if the exact links for photos matter (e.g. when you embed photos in external pages, like a blog or forum) as reuploading a photo would result in a new link and you'd have to update that on your external page. Same goes for if you're selling photos where deleting and reuploading a photo would disconnect it from the order.
You may certainly replace an existing photo with a different version. Our browser uploader does that if it detects a filename already exists in a gallery and it would then skip that duplicate. You may then choose to change that skip option to "replace duplicate" to have the existing photo(s) replaced.
Alternatively, you may also use the single "replace photo" tool available from the wrench button for a photo.
Note that replacing a photo won't update the existing metadata on SmugMug for it. So title, caption and keywords on SmugMug wouldn't be updated with the details from the photo. But the metadata of the original would of course be kept as you upload it so that you may download your photo back again at any time with its metadata as you initially uploaded it.
To download your galleries, you may use the download gallery tool. It'll allow you to request a download of one gallery at a time, but after requesting the download for one gallery, you may of course request another download for the next gallery.
For bulk downloading of multiple galleries at once, if you're on Mac you could try out the new Smudo app from a third party developer in the Mac App Store.
SmugMug Support Hero
rainforest1155, thanks, that's very helpful. I actually hadn't' noticed "Replace" among the editing functions.
The download options you describe are good enouogh. Looks like 3rd party solutions also exist.
I've recently realized that a lot of my keywording is messed up, at least in part because of problems with OneDrive, so I'm faced with a lot of work to correct it. First I'll fix my local files, then my SM copies (and those on another POD). Because SM's upload is fast, it would actually be much quicker to "replace" than to edit the keywords on SM, but unfortunately that won't work. This fixup will be a long haul.
What if I did all the editing and repair here on SM, then downloaded the fixed-up galleries? Would the downloaded copies have the new keywords/captions/titles in their IPTC?
Another question: I used to be a developer, and I see there's an API for SM, and that it includes keywords. Do you think it's actually possible to write an app that would update the keywords on SM, syncing them with local files?
Hi Jim,
Making changes on SmugMug won't update the original photos as we currently keep your originals as you uploaded them without any changes made (unless you use a destructive tool like crop or rotate on the original which would change the original).
Our API is pretty powerful offering you a lot of options to manipulate, add and retrieve content from SmugMug. I'd imagine you could achieve what you're looking for with it, but I'm not a developer myself. I'd recommend for you to play with the API live browser (linked from the API docs to see for yourself what options are available. For any specific assistance on using the API, you may also check out the API forum on DGrin or contact us via the API contact email from the API docs.
If you're unsure if you'd like to invest the time for an API based solution, making the changes locally on your end and reuploading the photos might be the easiest option if you don't rely on external links for already uploaded photos.
SmugMug Support Hero
rainforest1155, thanks for that info. I now see I have many photos where the keywords got combined into 1 (apparently an SM problem which has been fixed?) so I have a lot of work to do, one way or another.
I think what you're saying is that I'l have to reload everything, instead of fixing them in the SM UI, because otherwise SM will be no good to me as a backup.
The program is intended for use by non-professional photographers who need to keep their picture libraries safe and organized.