A wood hulled tug from South Street Seaport Museum, NYC.
In boatyard for some TLC
It is better to die on you feet than to live on your knees.....Emiliano Zapata
A wood hulled tug from South Street Seaport Museum, NYC.
In boatyard for some TLC
Nice shots, I like the paint job!
Nice work, buddy.
Gracias all.
I was back at the port this am and the Coast Guard was going over the Decker with a fine-toothed comb......good idea.
Nice work, Willard.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
Very nice images of a classic.
My Dad was a tug buff and growing up in NYC he had taken a few pictures if this workhorse. I remember seeing them when I was a kid. This tug was built in 1930. Amazing still going after all these years! Built 'em to last back then.
Thanks for the memories and excellent images.
El Gato
I first ran into the WO Decker at the Tug Roundup held on the Erie Canal at Waterford, NY. The Roundup includes tugs that work the Hudson River and the Erie Canal and is a foto op of the first order. There was no roundup this year due to the pandemic, but it has many devoted fans among whom I number.
My grandsons go with me frequently and enjoy all the stuff that goes on ashore.
I have many fotos of the Decker at the Roundup.