Cool shot. On my relatives' Texas ranch it was called "the necessary." By the time I was a kid they had indoor plumbing but the necessary still stood.
At Oraibi, on the Hopi reservation, these are still what's available. The rest of the reservation has plumbing but Oraibi is dominated by very traditional folks who didn't want to get sucked into the modern world.
Perfect wall hanger shot for Comfort Station itself!!
Cool shot. On my relatives' Texas ranch it was called "the necessary." By the time I was a kid they had indoor plumbing but the necessary still stood.
At Oraibi, on the Hopi reservation, these are still what's available. The rest of the reservation has plumbing but Oraibi is dominated by very traditional folks who didn't want to get sucked into the modern world.
I have skied at a private club for many years and the outhouse is what's available. Unheated even.
I'd say this one is high quality - there's a seat with closable lid!
The seat is what caught my eye, Sara.
Ones I am used to just had a hole in a board, and it's really all that's "necessary"
All be it little can't beat the view.
El Gato