Search improvements
I offer people both keyword and Word search but neither really does what I want
Top priority. It would be really helpful if it was possible to set search results to open in a new page because when following up a search result people lose their place and cant get back to where they started. using back button is clumsy. PLEASE?
Also, please give all results for both search options - keyword search only finds 1000 - with no info on how those are 'chosen' I don't understand why the limit is there for one but not the other.
In keyword search if you are going to restrict it to 1000 then can you at least offer a map of the results?
Also can you make it as easy to refine keyword searches by adding new terms after a comma once the results are up - instead of having to start over with a new search.
I don't understand why its not possible to do fuzzy searches for spelling errors, use * or to do -(minus) searches and similar things that we take for granted on other sites. All would be helpful
Finally, I would like to be able to turn off the navigation options that say 'video, galleries, folders and pages' I only want to offer 'photos' Anything else is confusing. Thank you so much for reading
Top priority. It would be really helpful if it was possible to set search results to open in a new page because when following up a search result people lose their place and cant get back to where they started. using back button is clumsy. PLEASE?
Also, please give all results for both search options - keyword search only finds 1000 - with no info on how those are 'chosen' I don't understand why the limit is there for one but not the other.
In keyword search if you are going to restrict it to 1000 then can you at least offer a map of the results?
Also can you make it as easy to refine keyword searches by adding new terms after a comma once the results are up - instead of having to start over with a new search.
I don't understand why its not possible to do fuzzy searches for spelling errors, use * or to do -(minus) searches and similar things that we take for granted on other sites. All would be helpful
Finally, I would like to be able to turn off the navigation options that say 'video, galleries, folders and pages' I only want to offer 'photos' Anything else is confusing. Thank you so much for reading
IN Firefox I right click and pick "open in another tab" so I don't loose search results. I do this on any search like Google.
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