Removing Owner Log In text
This may be a completely stupid question but can I remove the small text at the bottom of pages that say Owner Log In? The reason I say "stupid" is because I would have no where to log in myself then.
The reason I ask is a number of people have commented on the text saying they didn't think it should be on there. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
This is what I use on my site to remove the login but retain the "Powered by SmugMug":
If you want to remove both you just need this:
You can log in at
Musings & ramblings at
Thank you for all the help Denise, I'll give it a try.
Oops, forgot to say that I have that in the custom CSS for my theme.
Musings & ramblings at
I think logging in at Smugmug is really stupid. I log in from all over my site and want to be at that spot after log on. Logging in at Smug returns you to your homepage completely loosing wherever you where. Very counter productive.
Edit: example. If I see an error in a photo caption and need to edit it. I want to remain at that photo after logging in. Otherwise it would be impossible to find it especially if gallery was in collage.
Edit: A way to not lose you page spot is right click on "Power by Smugmug" and pick "open in another tab". Use LogIn there.
Then just refresh original page and you'll be logged in and have not lost your spot.
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There is a way to remove the text and still have the area to click on the log in.
Could make the text same color as your background.
Try this with your background color.
.sm-text-mini .sm-page-login-link {color: #282828 !important;}

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