Movies using incorrect date.

I have two Canon 7Dm2 cameras and the video/movie (.MOV) straight out of the camera will not "date taken" sort in galleries.
The Date Taken 2020-11-27 15:55:44 in photo info is correct but is not used for sorting. They always fall at gallery end.
Movie file properties in Win10
Created: 11/27/20 9:03:26 PM (download from camera)
Modified: 11/27/20 3:55:44 PM (actual date/time taken)
Accessed: 11/27/20 9:03:26 PM (download from camera)
So looks like Smug is using "Modified" date./time for date taken.
Edit: This all started when noticed I did not change per daylight savings time change.
Using EXIF Date Changer program I got these three dates to change in properties.
Media created 2020-11-27 3:33 PM
Date created 2020-11-27 3:33 PM
Date modified 2020-11-27 3:33 PM
But for new date modified file Smug still uses the time of 16:33 or 4:33
How video files handle date/time and other metadata is even worse than the situation for still images. To get video time/date info to work properly in Smugmug requires that you use a program that can modify QuickTime date/time tags (QuickTime::MediaHeader\1\MediaCreateDate\0 and QuickTime::MediaHeader\1\CreateDate\0). Once those tags are changed, SmugMug will read them and sort the video files properly. The ExifTool program will allow you to do this but it uses a command line to make changes so it's not too user-friendly. However, there's a useful ExifTool forum if you do want to go that route.
I use a digital asset management (DAM) program, IMatch It's not free (there is a free 30-day trial), but it's very powerful and can deal with video metadata tags. There may be other alternatives for changing video date/time tags, but I'm not aware of any. Best wishes!
Thanks, but way over my head.
These are videos directly out of Canon's 7D, 7DIII and earlier. Why don't Smug do this at there end?
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