Captions available in only some gallery styles(??)

Has something changed in SM relative to the ability to display 'captions'? It seems I can only get captions to display if I select either the 'Journal' or 'Smug Mug' gallery styles. I can't find them at all for either of the 'Collage' styles.
Additionally, it seems captions aren't included in the Lightbox view even when I select the 'Info' (i) button.
I don't rule out the possibility I've overlooked where this might be configured, or possibly something I've affected with custom CSS, but something sure has changed.
As a sidebar....what happened to the hamburgler icon in the Photo Details on a Lightbox disply. Seems to have been replaced by the Info (i) option.
I noted a few minor changes a few days ago -- the icon change in the lightbox sidebar, the removal of the icon where the title/caption sits on top of the lightbox image, and a few minor lightbox CSS changes -- but nothing that removed captions. About all I can suggest is that you double-check on the lightbox and gallery settings and make a quick review of any user CSS you have. I did have to make a small patch to my user CSS when this came out. SmugMug changed the list of values associated with the data-lightbox-mode attribute and I was using those as part of a selector. If you have any CSS with
somewhere, you may need to change it.
I added this so the LB overlay caption wasn't slammed against the left. {padding-left:10px}
Thanks for the heads up.
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Hi rjwilner,
If you could post a link to a photo / gallery, we could take a look.
SmugMug Support Hero
Attached are 2 screen caps. One from the lightbox with the 'details' expanded (and no caption), and the other from the Organizer with the details of the same image displayed (that does reveal a caption has been entered).
And this is a link to the (smart) gallery where that image resides.
I found the answer to my problem. The captions had been turned off in the customizer. I don't understand when that occurred and hadn't bothered to check because they had always been on/available. I do know I didn't do it as it's been so long since I've even looked at the Lightbox settings, it took me a bit to find it in the customizer. I guess it was magic.
Thanks to all those who replied.
Ok, so fixing the missing captions has reminded me of another caption issue. In the attached image, note the caption material appears to have a 'drop shadow' applied.
I've been scouring CSS via 'Inspect Element' in 2 different browsers thinking there must be a 'text-shadow' property applied somewhere along the line. I'm no CSS guru by any stretch, but can usually figure out why something I don't want is applied (or vice versa). But I've spent way too much time trying to sort this out already and would appreciate any suggestions/thoughts.
Here is the link to the gallery where the attached image is stored.

This is applying the shadow.
This seems to fix it.
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I had to change it up a bit to...
.sm-user-ui .sm-lightbox-v2-photo-title .sm-button-label p {text-shadow: none;}
But that got the job done. Appreciate you taking the time to check it out and pointing me in the right directioon!