Breadcrumbs Structure?

rjwilnerrjwilner Registered Users Posts: 86 Big grins

I don't understand the functionality of 'breadcrumbs' as they never seem to follow the Folder/Pg/Gallery structure I have created, and I can't seem to figure out a means of making them work effectively. For example, assume I wish to display images of my family...both collectively (all family images in 1 gallery) as well as individual family members (separate smart gallery for each individual family member). In the Organizer, I 'Create' the following structure...

(folder) Family
(Pg) Family-Page
(Gallery) Family-All (the 'parent' gallery for all the individual
(Gallery) Sister - Sally Sue (a smart gallery based on 'Family-All' using that gallery and appropriate keywords to define)
(Gallery) Brother - Billy Bob (a smart gallery based on 'Family-All' using that gallery and appropriate keywords to define)

The '(Pg) Family-Page' is customized such that the individual family member galleries are displayed along with a text block or two.

There are a couple problems with 'breadcrumbs' when using such a structure....

(1) If I display the breadcrumbs on the '(Pg) Family-Page' , the options available to a visitor are to the '(folder) Family' or, stepping back one more level, to 'Home'.
- If the visitor selects the Folder, they are transported to a whole lot of nothing except the 'entire site' structure.

(2) If I display breadcrumbs when visiting any of the individual family member galleries, the breadcrumbs ignore the '(pg) Family-Page' and go to the same options described in (1) above...presumably because the 'Create' functionality doesn't allow for a gallery to be a 'child' of a page. Pages & Galleries are essentially at the same level as children of the folder. Or so it seems on my site.

All of which makes breadcrumbs useless on my site. Is there is a means of re-organizing my site to overcome the above issues? I clearly don't understand the intended functionality,

Thanks for any suggestions.


  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited December 31, 2020

    As far as I know breadcrumbs from a structural standpoint show folders and galleries. While a page shows a breadcrumb at the top level, clicking on any elements on that page to go to the next folder / gallery will not show the page within the breadcrumb on the next element.

    I see the breadcrumb as reflecting the structure shown on the Organize page.

    Hopefully someone from SmugMug will jump in to confirm.

  • rjwilnerrjwilner Registered Users Posts: 86 Big grins

    @denisegoldberg said:
    As far as I know breadcrumbs from a structural standpoint show folders and galleries. While a page shows a breadcrumb at the top level, clicking on any elements on that page to go to the next folder / gallery will not show the page within the breadcrumb on the next element.

    I see the breadcrumb as reflecting the structure shown on the Organize page.

    Hopefully someone from SmugMug will jump in to confirm.

    What you say is exactly what I've been seeing. And it seems like it occurs because Galleries & Pages can both be 'children' of a Folder when adding either during the 'Create' process. But they're essentially sisters to each the same structure level. I think we'd have to be able to designate a Gallery as a child of a Page (and grandchild of a Folder) to get the path we'd like in the breadcrumbs...or at least the one I would find useful.

    I keep thinking I'm missing something in the intent because, whenever I create a new page (I almost always start with a 'Custom' page) and add content, the breadcrumbs block is automatically added to the page by default. And I constantly delete them because it creates more confusion than benefit.

    Thanks for the reply!

  • PhyxiusPhyxius Registered Users Posts: 1,396 Major grins


    Breadcrumbs shows the folder path of the content.

    (folder) Family
    (Pg) Family-Page
    (Gallery) Family-All (the 'parent' gallery for all the individual
    (Gallery) Sister - Sally Sue (a smart gallery based on 'Family-All' using that gallery and appropriate keywords to define)
    (Gallery) Brother - Billy Bob (a smart gallery based on 'Family-All' using that gallery and appropriate keywords to define)

    The breadcrumbs for these would be:
    Home > Family > Family-Page
    Home > Family > Family-All
    Home > Family > Sister - Sally Sue
    Home > Family > Brother - Billy Bob

    You could do the following:
    Home > Family (folder) > Family-Page (folder) > Sister - Sally Sue (gallery)

    But, since a gallery can not be placed within a page the breadcrumb will not support home > folder > page > gallery.

    You can customize the "Family-Page" folder if you create one and make it custom so that it doesn't follow the all folders customization making it behave like a page.

    Christina Dale
    SmugMug Support Specialist -
    Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
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