Snow in Madrid

I grew up in Chicago, so I know that a foot of snow is not necessarily a big deal. But Madrid hasn't had this much snow in fifty years, and unlike places that have heavy snow regularly, Madrid is unprepared, so the city (and much of Spain) is paralyzed--even Amazon shut down. There's also some ice about and I don't have proper boots anymore, so these are just a couple of grabs from my windows.
I really love these, Richard. The first one, with all the elements of interest to consider and the colors in the fence, is great. The second one is also appealing. For some reason, it makes me think of the term " strength in numbers ". Go figure that one.
I really like these too! The first is my favorite, love the color of the fence, the layer of snow on the bench, and the children's play set.
Musings & ramblings at
Second shot is a real art shot! Bravo!
Hi Richard! Good to see you posting! I like #1 a lot. I’ve lived in Colorado for many years, so a little snow doesn’t bother me. A few years ago I spent some time in DC and even an inch of snow triggered panic shopping and shutdowns, I can imagine what Madrid is experiencing.
Richard, I read about the snow in Madrid on the internet (where else?) and wondered if you would be out in all this and taking pictures. And not to be disappointed, here they are! Looks like a very large snow man in the first pic - maybe not?
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Thanks everyone. Yes, @David_S85, that is a snowman in the upper right of the first pic. Madrid is still a mess and it's probably going to take several days before it gets better. We didn't need this.
Saw this on the news last night and was wondering how you were dealing.
I especially like that first shot with the subtle colors of the fence showing through.
Very cool photos, Richard. I'm sure the snow is quite a disruption.
Thanks for commenting, Sara and Don. The snow was followed by very low temps, so now there's ice all over the place. It's still a mess, but hopefully we'll be able to get back to worrying about the pandemic again soon.
I thought 2021 was supposed to be better...jeeeze.
I like the geometric pattern and nice diagonal in no 2, Richard.
Got skis?
Thanks, Willard. I don't have skis, but people who do were out skiing on what are usually they busiest streets in town. We still haven't completely recovered--the emergency departments have seen over 2000 people with broken bones, while Covid cases are spiking again. Things could be better.
Hope life is back to a reasonable sense of pre-snow normal. Great images and I add my kudos for image #2, well done!
El Gato
Thanks, @El Gato There's a bit of snow left, but traffic is getting back to normal and the sidewalks are mostly clear. Lots of damage to trees though--the Retiro (Madrid's equivalent of Central Park) is going to be closed for several months to clean it all up.