Digital Downloads and Smugmug License

It there a way to enhance SmugMugs download license? Or create your own, would not mind paying extra for this, as this is the only thing keeping me from using SmugMug for digital downloads. Would love to move everything to SmugMug.
My problem is the commercial license gives too much away. And does not include enough. One example: Part of my fee includes written credit to me. Since most my downloads involve feature films, television, books and music I insist on my name being in the credits. The other thing is the license is not limiting the use enough for me. I also need an editorial license and a way to indicate if a model or property release in available.
Email after purchase is not an option. I want the client / customer to know all upfront before or when they enter the shopping cart. I have a feeling I know the answer but thought I would ask ask
I don't believe changing the license is an option but I would recommend checking with the SmugMug help desk. You can reach them at
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks Denise, I did check with them first and they said no option but i thought I would ask anyway.
btw I like you photographs of Halibut Point and parker river. Spent much time photographing at both places back in the day.
Thank you! Both locations are wonderful places to wander with a camera.
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