Warning!!! Extreme color.
Every year, a neat little shop in Blowing Rock, N.C. puts out on the sidewalk a display of colorful flags. This is the offering for this year.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
festive and lovely
Good colors, Tom.
From another color freak
The colors remind me of the Mexican shops in San Diego! Blowing Rock is a quaint mountain town.
Thomson, Ga. USA
Festive is a good word here, Taz. Stay safe, brother.
Thanks, Willard. I know this kind of stuff lights your fire as well as mine.
Yea, Orv, you see very bright colors from the Mexican stuff. In my experience, that penchant for color extends throughout South American cultures. Blowing Rock is quaint for sure. However, I'm about to start avoiding the place during prime leaf-looking time....consider that as being virtually all of October. The crowds , getting parking, getting in places to eat, etc., are getting unbearable. Those are the times my wife and I head for the really deep Appalachians and its hollows.
Agreed, and I will not go there in the winter. Last time we were there we froze.
Thomson, Ga. USA
Bright, festive, yes, said already....but wow, truly an eye opener.
Just makes one feel like jumping in and becoming immersed the colors. I like it!
Thanks for sharing this one Tom.
El Gato
Gee, Gato, it's funny that I had similar feelings.....just wanted to dive in and flop around in that sea of color. You don't suppose that there's something wrong with us, do you?