Gracias all.
Burros are the most peaceful , pleasant, social animals on this green earth.
This one was tethered up the street from our place and was making deliveries.
When we were first in México 45 years ago, burros were the primary beast of burden and the city was full of them: not so much any more.
It is better to die on you feet than to live on your knees.....Emiliano Zapata
Great point of view! Nice one, Willard.
I love this. Great use of wide angle up close.
Nice one! It would be epic if not for that distracting grill behind it.
Really good, buddy. Great perspective.
Wonderful! Up close and the sharp mage.
Big brown (or black) eyes. I can almost feel the wooly forehead.
Hope he earned his carrot for posing.
El Gato
Gracias all.
Burros are the most peaceful , pleasant, social animals on this green earth.
This one was tethered up the street from our place and was making deliveries.
When we were first in México 45 years ago, burros were the primary beast of burden and the city was full of them: not so much any more.