Tee in a Tree

I live close to a golf course and whilst walking across it I discovered this tee stuck in a tree.
I live close to a golf course and whilst walking across it I discovered this tee stuck in a tree.
I'd hate to see this person throw a club. Getting a tee to impale into a tree isn't an easy task.
Hoping however, someone simply left it there for grins. Nice find!
El Gato
@El Gato
Years ago, in the latter 60's, I was playing in a charity golf event. Mickey Mantle was part of our foursome. We got held up on a tee and while waiting, Mantle idly stepped over to a pine tree and, with ball and tee in hand, he proceeded to stab that tree about 5 times. A couple of times he had to really pull to get the tee out. Strange sight. Incidentally, Mantle could beat the ball a million miles, but the rest of his game lacked a lot.