Frustrated and lonely.
The poor owl in the window. In past times, he zealously guarded the goodies inside the barn from intruding birds and even rodents. Now look at the place.....what's to guard? And he can't escape his destiny for he, sadly, is a fake owl.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Lovely capture Tom! The pink flowers are great ingredient to work with. Did you grab any shots with them as featured item?
With this world situation, I sort of identify with the Owl, waiting for something to happen to get excited about again!
Thomson, Ga. USA
Hey, Taz. No, I was on a little shaky ground in getting this shot so I rushed up to shoot and then fled. Those pink flowers blanketed a huge rise off the left. There was an old rusted and rotting carriage about midway up the slope.....has the makings, along with the flowers, of a really nice picture.
I hear you, Orv, I think we've all had about as much of this crap as we can take. I got my first dose of the vaccine a couple of weeks ago, get the second dose in two weeks. I hope it's worth a damn and works.
We have been down with the flue or a cold for two weeks. NOT the Covid, Not sure how quick I feel like jumping in line yet
Thomson, Ga. USA
I hope you don't mind if I add this, Tom, but this barn has a real live turkey vulture in the window zealously guarding the barn. Not a very good foto
What a great old barn. I hope that turkey vulture is fleet of wing because that place could collapse at any minute.
love the old barn. Thanks for sharing.
Las Cruces Photographer / Las Cruces Wedding Photographer
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Hey, Josh, thanks for the visit. Stay safe.
Nice images...#1 is easy on the eyes, laid back. Sort of makes you want to just go out and sit for a spell, listen to nature, insects, and the clouds go bye. Peaceful.
Lovely colors BTW.
Maybe something about it being 7F and snowing outside makes this image so much more delightful!
Well done.
El Gato