Little red schoolhouse
This schoolhouse is tucked way back in a holler. It was in continuous use from 1870 until 1941. Local folks do their best to preserve it. It is a little hard to get to but I have photographed that thing more than any other old structure up there in those mountains.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Very nice Tom! Very attractive!
You know, Taz, the sense of community and responsibility to neighbors permeates life in those mountain backwoods areas. Without those convictions, life there would be a lot harder than it is. Two church groups are in the process of painting the old school.
Wow I really love this one. Did you take a peek inside through a window?
Better than that, I've been inside to look around, Upon entry, there's a small office-type room to the left which must have been for the teacher and storage of supplies. The rest of the space is dedicated to desk and chair combo units....of which there are about 20. There are two large chalkboards located on the far end, which bracket where the teacher's desk would have been. In the picture, it looks as if lights are on in a section of the building but that's just some light-colored sheets hung while they do some repairs in that area. Essentially, the building is just as it was when the last students left in 1941. Of interest, I saw no evidence of any kind of indoor plumbing anywhere. There is also a large pot-bellied wood-burning stove near the center of the room.
I would have loved to see the inside - lucky you! There are a few old schools like this (smaller) scattered out in the western part of the state. I've been hunting for the one my Granny taught at back during the Spanish Flu time, but haven't found it. Doubt it's still around. Some I've found still have the little house with the 'plumbing' sitting out in the back.
I'm sure this school had to have had its own little house with "plumbing ". I can see a site where it probably was. Once the school closed, I'm sure it got covered over for health reasons.
A nice eyeful, Tom
Foundation could use some woik.
Yeah, they're working on that issue along with the painting.
Another great "capture" of Americana. Traveling those hollers gets one some fantastic finds.
Wonderful colors, beauty of a building.
El Gato
Thanks, Gato. My wife and I have a ritual we practice. When we're ready to leave the popular spots and their hoards of people, we look at each other and, in unison, say...." Let's head for the hollers".