What needs fixed?
This is my friend Michele. She wanted me to take a B&W pic for her to send to her family. This is what I came up with without any tweaking. My question is this: I feel that it needs something else, but I don't know what. I wanted to get everyone's opinion here. So, let me know what you think!
When I told her I was going to post her picture here to get some help she said everyone's advice would be to take a picture of a pretty girl! I assured her that would not be the case! Don't prove me wrong! Lol
I know the background is probably the first thing people will point out, but this was taken at a local restaurant, so we didn't have much choice! It was kind of a spur of the moment thing.
When I told her I was going to post her picture here to get some help she said everyone's advice would be to take a picture of a pretty girl! I assured her that would not be the case! Don't prove me wrong! Lol
I know the background is probably the first thing people will point out, but this was taken at a local restaurant, so we didn't have much choice! It was kind of a spur of the moment thing.
Not at all! Please, go right ahead and do what you can. I had considered doing something with the background, but because of her hair I thought it may be too difficult to get a good cut out of her. As far as her eyes are concerned I'm not sure exactly what you mean. One other thing. do you think the changes I made from the first one are good, or do you like the original better?
When you get the chance I would really appreciate it if you could write down what you did to make the background like that. I really like it!
Good job! much better. Try using the extraction tool instead of the magnetic.
making 2 layers extract her from the top layer..
go back to the bottom layer and blur it as you want it
go back to the top layer and erase the mess from the extraction tool.. you can mess with the lightness and stuff here too. then flatten if you are happy.
you can put her on any background.. textured, trees, color, what ever
have fun!
A couple things I would suggest, but one would require a re-shoot.
This shot is crying for a bit more light on the shadow side of the face. A piece of foam core goes a long way for natural light. Or anything white - even a menu would have probably thrown a bit in to soften the shadows.
Another thing I would suggest is a little touchup on the skin. That would soften things as well. It's pretty easy to do in PS:
Duplicate the original layer
Add a Gaussian Blur at 10 to the entire layer.
Take a snapshot of the image with the duplicated layer
Undo the blur
Change the layer over to "lighten"
Select the History Brush - appropriate size for what you need to do, but the key is 0 on the hardness
Select the snapshot of the blurred image to paint from
Go over the areas of the skin that need work.
You'll be amazed at the results. And no "plastic" look.