Looking for a deal
I've been ardently searching for an old buggy to include in some landscaping plans in the mountains. I spied this old freight wagon in a yard on a mountain top in N.C. Checking with the owner, I was told that he would give it to me if I hauled the whole thing off. A friend up there has the equipment we would need to do it but the effort to do so would be immense. Instead, I offered to take just the two rear wheels and pay for them. The owner said it was an all or none deal. The thing has been sitting on family land since the Civil War. I passed on this one but will continue the hunt.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
I like your dedication Tom! This is a wonderful find! I love the back story as well!
Photo is pretty good too!
Thanks, my friend. It's probably a good thing that the guy did not sell me the two wheels. When I got back home, I gathered some dimensions and those wheels would have been slightly too large for their intended use. My place up there is going to be called " Broken Spoke " When you enter the property, you'll go through two fairly large swinging decorative gates that swing away from you. On each gate will be mounted, facing outward, a large wagon wheel.....preferably wheels that are in similar condition as the ones on this old wagon The entry gate will set the tone for the all of the rustic stuff to follow.
Great image, great story Tom, B+W too. Very nice find!
This has to go into the book!
El Gato
Thanks, Al. I got a call this morning and it looks like a friend of mine has found the buggy I want. Of all places, it's at an old potato farm just a little west of St. Augustine. I would, however, make room for another wheeled vehicle of the freight wagon sort above if it is in better shape. I was afraid that the remaining understructure on the wagon here was going to disintegrate when we went to move it.
Keep looking, what you want is out there! LOL
Thomson, Ga. USA