Any Advice for Shooting Competitive Cheer
I am shooting with Canon Rebel t6i and I just obtained a Sigma 70-200 2.8. I was previously shooting with the kit lenses. This will be my first weekend with the Sigma. My plan is to try 1/1000 at 2.8 and set the ISO to auto to get the Camera's suggestion for ISO and use this as a starting off point. I have it set to AI Servo and Single point center focusing. Any other advice is appreciated. I am trying to avoid as much grain and stop action as best I can. Thank you!
I really know nothing about cheer, but sounds like a good plan in general for action. Maybe expiriment with dropping the SS down to 800 or even 640 and see what happens. Also, depending on the shot composition you may need a little more Depth of Field, so nudging it up may to f 3.2 or even 4 may be worth trying here and there.
Good luck