Dangerous waters II
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13 ) The grand finale
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
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13 ) The grand finale
Tom #5 and last one are frame worthy! So enjoyable! In a zoom meeting now, so will revisit this!!
I've never been to Yellowstone, now thanks to you, I have no choice!
Thanks, buddy. Those two are a couple of my favorites as well.
Al I can say, Cristóbal, is do whatever it takes to get there. These two " waters " sets represent just a slice of the wonderment of Yellowstone. I've been twice, two weeks each time, and I'm dying to go again. A word from experience.......try and go right when the Park opens for Summer, which is usually late May or early June. Later on, the crowds get immense and aggravations arise.....like big traffic backups because someone saw a coyote 500 yards up a hill !!! Folks who have been there will know what I mean. If you can, plan on two side trips, both close to the Park. One is to take the Bear Tooth Hwy. which runs from the north entry of the Park for about 60 miles over to Red Lodge, Montana. The other is to leave the eastern entry to the Park for about a 50 mile run over to Cody, WY. Both are well worth your time.
Oh, and not to deter you from going, the Park had over 600 recorded minor earthquakes last year. Fear not, the really big one that's sure to come is a long time down the road......I hope.
Wonderful second set Tom...thanks for providing everyone a peek into this beautiful National Park!
El Gato
Thanks, Al. As you well know, there's so much more to Yellowstone than just these magnificent geyser basins. But, to me, they are the most dramatic elements in the Park.
I really like the almost abstract look of these. I've wanted to go back there and this makes me want to even more.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
I hear you, Don. My whole experience with those geyser-rich basins seems abstract to me. Truth is though, active geysers/ steam vents are all over the Park. I'd really love to see you and some of the other forum members shoot this kind of stuff. I'd bet that our interpretations and images would be all over the map. Stay safe, buddy.
nice. makes me want to go.
Las Cruces Photographer / Las Cruces Wedding Photographer
Other site
Thanks, Josh.
Tom, Couldn't agree with you more. Early spring or late september, early October. If you're there in the fall you shouldn't miss Grand Teton N.P.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
It's good to hear from you, Phil. I trust that this last attempt at retirement is going to stick. BTW, we did get into the Tetons a little.....in June.