Display problem
Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
Hi, I have the traditional view set up a gallery and the filenames turned off. My screen looks like below with part of the file name displayed, and on some of the images...how to fix this? Thanks, Shane
Huh, I'll try it...but it begs the question, what happened? And why on some photos and not others? I've been using SM in the same way for many months now and have never had this problem before, and my post processing is the same. Hopefully this is a blip at I don't want to have this extra step everytime I upload. Thanks for your note, Shane
Do you have this button set to NO?
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Post processing routine please? Exact steps, thanks...
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i know this doesnt get to the root of your complaint, but using the tools at the top of the edit page, you could have bulk deleted all captions.
Shoot RAW
Quick delete of obviously bad shots with BBPro
DDP, WB adjust if needed, convert to tiff
CS2 for crops, any curves or levels, USM
Jpeg convert with BBPro
Same process for over a year.
Wow, that would have been quick! Will remember, thx.
Andy, I'm not with my photos now but I may have the answer...how is IPTC data treated by SM?