Can't disable Title and Captions with Lightbox
I have a gallery in journal style and I want to disable the title and captions, but I don't seem to be able to do it. I'm assuming it should be done from Lightbox? I have turned off the title and caption options in Lightbox as shown in the image below but the gallery still shows them.
I tried refreshing the page, logging out / in, clearing the page cache etc (I'm using Edge). What am I missing?
Thanks in advance.
Might have to write some CSS to only show for you when logged in.
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Thanks. I'm not a coder.
I was hoping someone would tell me if the Lightbox options shown in the attached image should disable the title and captions so that I know if I have a problem...
You're asking about a gallery in journal style. The settings you referenced are for lightbox, not for journal style.
As Allen noted you will need code to remove the title and captions in journal style.
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We will need a link to this journal style gallery page of yours.
This below is how we will find that class name for you, so the link to the page is important if you can't do it.
We need to find the page node class identifier in the body html using a developer tool. (most browsers now have this.)
Looks like this >> sm-page-node-cfDNv
Every page is different so yours will be different from mine which is cfDNv
The body classes do not refer to a journal style gallery so that unique page identifier will have to be used.
Something like this below is in your "page source", Look in "<body class " for your sm-page-node-XXXXX.
Add the following CSS rules to your "entire site", "all galleries" or "theme" CSS. Replace the cfDNv/XXXXX with yours.
Notice there is no space between only the 1st three class names.
This should hide your captions to all visitors. Only you as owner, logged in, will be able to see and edit them.
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Thank you! That worked perfectly. I really appreciate your taking the time to help me out.