My car obsession

The latest Mini Challenge (#316 - Old Cars or trucks - restored) has spurred me to review some of the classic car portraits I've done in the past. Had to share some of them. Sorry for the numerous shots - too many to choose from. I did say it was an obsession!
'32 Ford Coupe
'38 Ford Custom (aka Chick Magnet named by the owners grandson)
'49 Mercury - all candy-apple'd up from Redding, Ca
'30 Buick from Redding, Ca
A little roadster flying by in a Hot August Nights parking lot.
A friend's Plymouth Roadrunner - with my late husband in the passenger seat cheering everyone on during Kool April Nights cruise night.
Four cuties practicing their princess waves at Kool April Nights in Redding, Ca. I don't remember the make or year of the car - I was having too much fun with the kids.
Our '41 Chevy Deluxe - this is a shot that isn't really staged, but .....
Daisy's Engine area:
And three customs found at Reno's Hot August Nights
And then there are the "too cool for school" entries:
Book 2:
Killer set Jo! Bravo!
Good stuff, Jo. Very nice work shooting some very nice cars.
Thanks for looking and comment, @Stumblebum and @Gatto.
Book 2:
Cool cars, nice set.
Great stuff, Jo! That 49 Mercury is especially fab.
I've got to agree with Sara about that ' '49 Merc. Those ''49 thru "51 models were something I lusted after for years. Retro-mods and pure custom stuff was something that, as a bonified car freak, I really liked but my auto interest had drifted in a different direction. In the early '90s. I had a shot at buying a stunning, beautifully executed, custom to the hilt, '49. That photo you show here brought everything home. I agonized for a while but passed on buying the car. For all of my car experiences, letting that magnificent car get away is the one thing over which, if I was physically able to do, I'd still be kicking my ass to the moon.
BTW, that '41 Chevy you guys have is beautiful. Only someone who's in the " game " can appreciate the blood, sweat, tears, time, and MONEY represented in a project like this. I was fighting the same devils in racing cars. That's another endeavor that's waiting to bushwhack you. Looking back, I think I must have been crazy.
OK add me to the list...the '49 Mercury is fantastic.
However, if someone were to give me the keys to the '30 Buick, I'd be just as happy!
Wonderful set of images, great to see so many beauties of bygone days.
El Gato