black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
Geeze, buddy, what sort of libations do they let you have in Peru ? That poor can see his ribs and spinal cord. If he took another sip, he might disappear altogether. You sure you didn't take a sip yourself?
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Geeze, buddy, what sort of libations do they let you have in Peru ? That poor can see his ribs and spinal cord. If he took another sip, he might disappear altogether. You sure you didn't take a sip yourself?
Ha! I guess this is what repeated lockdowns do to you!
This is actually an old pic from 2016, so I am the only guilty one...
I love it.
Interesting subject and rendering. Great creative work!
Just a tad bit "light" for me... one-half or one stop down might make it "pop." IMHO.
Thanks for sharing this one.
El Gato
Thanks Gato, I started off with a darker version, then settled on this. I could go either way.
This really conveys motion well, Cristóbal, Bien hecho.
Gracias Will.