black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
Hey guy. Technique wise, I love how you've manipulated the perimeter to almost force the viewer to dwell on the wedge. That's a maneuver that can come in handy now and then. I'm less enthralled with the subject but it sure suits the goal you had here. Stay safe.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Thanks guys, I found this picture in my files but thought the sky and other features were distracting from the rock which I find to be pretty cool. I decided to go with this type of aged pic processing.
Hey guy. Technique wise, I love how you've manipulated the perimeter to almost force the viewer to dwell on the wedge. That's a maneuver that can come in handy now and then. I'm less enthralled with the subject but it sure suits the goal you had here. Stay safe.
I like the subject. That's a kind of vignette I seldom use but here I think it works well.
Thanks guys, I found this picture in my files but thought the sky and other features were distracting from the rock which I find to be pretty cool. I decided to go with this type of aged pic processing.
Clean, distinct, graphic and excellent in B+W.
Great use of vignetting to focus the viewer's attention on the central theme of the image...the wedge.
Well done Cristóbal!
El Gato
Thanks Gato. As you know by now, I like to try different approaches. This is specially true in these recent months where my shooting has been limited.
Shows the new position of the middle class!