black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited May 28, 2021
@Stumblebum said:
Crisp and processing is epic! I think it is bit busy so having trouble seeing the forest. Cheers Tom!
@Juano said:
I'm torn, I like the contrast between the trees and the water, but agree with Taz that it is busy.
Yeah, guys, it is busy. You have the naked tree branches darting everywhere. Add to that, the moss that hangs all over the place commands attention. Other than shooting from a different perspective, I'm not sure how to combat the " busy " consideration. Since the feature element was the starkness of the sun-bleached cypress trees and all the moss staged against the black river, I kind of let the BG forest play a supporting role. Thanks much for commenting.....I greatly value the opinions of both of you.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
@roaddog52 said:
Wow, I like it. For me it's always been difficult to capture a particular part of a forest, and seperate it from the background.
Boy, Phil, I've always experienced the same difficulty. It seems better for me if I'm working in color. I don't know why that is. Take care.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
@Juano said:
Tom, I could have sworn this was an IR shot, are you saying it is all sunlight? Impressive.
Hey, Cristóbal. Yup, it's all sunlight. I really admire good IR work but I've never been seriously tempted to give it a go. There's a guy who runs a forum that is principally devoted to IR stuff. He used to be active on our forum. If I wanted to get into IR, I'd be beating his door down. Stay safe, brother.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Well taken and presented, especially with all the sun on the bleached trees. Spot on processing to keep everything just right (highlights, shadows, etc.).
A tough/difficult subject considering the light...Well done!
Well taken and presented, especially with all the sun on the bleached trees. Spot on processing to keep everything just right (highlights, shadows, etc.).
A tough/difficult subject considering the light...Well done!
Many thanks, Al. I very much value your input on my postings.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Crisp and processing is epic! I think it is bit busy so having trouble seeing the forest. Cheers Tom!
I'm torn, I like the contrast between the trees and the water, but agree with Taz that it is busy.
Yeah, guys, it is busy. You have the naked tree branches darting everywhere. Add to that, the moss that hangs all over the place commands attention. Other than shooting from a different perspective, I'm not sure how to combat the " busy " consideration. Since the feature element was the starkness of the sun-bleached cypress trees and all the moss staged against the black river, I kind of let the BG forest play a supporting role. Thanks much for commenting.....I greatly value the opinions of both of you.
I think it's tha nature of swamps to be busy. Ever seen a simple swamp?
I like this, Tom.
Thanks, my friend. I totally agree with your assessment and I appreciate you taking the time to comment.
Wow, I like it. For me it's always been difficult to capture a particular part of a forest, and seperate it from the background.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Tom, I could have sworn this was an IR shot, are you saying it is all sunlight? Impressive.
Boy, Phil, I've always experienced the same difficulty. It seems better for me if I'm working in color. I don't know why that is. Take care.
Hey, Cristóbal. Yup, it's all sunlight. I really admire good IR work but I've never been seriously tempted to give it a go. There's a guy who runs a forum that is principally devoted to IR stuff. He used to be active on our forum. If I wanted to get into IR, I'd be beating his door down. Stay safe, brother.
Well taken and presented, especially with all the sun on the bleached trees. Spot on processing to keep everything just right (highlights, shadows, etc.).
A tough/difficult subject considering the light...Well done!
El Gato
Many thanks, Al. I very much value your input on my postings.