Tracks & Trestles

A few images taken during 2020 lockdown.
Conditions were excellent for some eerie, ghost-like fog.
I found shooting images in the fog a challenge as the light and atmospheric conditions were constantly changing.
The conditions begged for B+W, and I didn't argue.
C&C always welcomed and appreciated.
Nbr. 1
Nbr. 2
Nbr. 3
Nbr. 4
Nbr. 5
Woooooow. What a great set!!!
My favorites are 1, 4 and 5. I don't care much about the framing on 1, on 4 the tilted angle drives me crazy, but it is a wonderful pic.
Great work.
Wow! Got better and better till grand slam at the end! Bravo! Print the last one big!
Excellent work, Al. Shooting in fog certainly does require a careful approach and awareness. Shooting these in B&W was, IMO, the wise choice. Color, in some cases, can be a detraction. I love all of this set. One small #3, I would have made sure that the right side of the signal was included in its entirety. Taz is right about that #5....dynamic, with perfect composition. Thanks for sharing these.
THANK YOU everyone for you comments on this B+W set.
Shooting B+W is a favorite of mine thus, your comments are very appreciative and help immensely.
Here is a second attempt at Nbr. 3
Thanks once again everyone!!
El Gato
They're all well done but the last shot is memorable. Thanks for sharing these.
A great set! I love shooting in the fog. the atmosphere creates a bit of mystery. I have been wanting to shoot, or convert more B&W but I'm thinking I need more software than Lightroom to achieve my goals. These are inspiring!
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
I'd say that's a perfect set!
Thank you everyone for your comments and feedback....which are always greatly appreciated!!
El Gato
Love love love!!!
**Thank you **JonaBeth!!!
El Gato