A Handsome Hoverfly with Stereo
In the summer, I tend to have more images than I can process. I found these images in a folder labelled May 2020.
I thought this was a Chrysotoxum but the antennae are wrong. The rear view image may help to identify it.
It has been suggested to me, elsewhere, that it is Xanthogramma pedissequum with which I agree. The book I normally use is missing in current chaos!
This was sitting on a leaf below the level of surrounding vegetation so I could not get quite the angle I wanted. However, it makes a passable stereo.
Olympus EM-1 (aperture priority), Olympus 4/3 x2 TC, Olympus 4/3 50mm f2 macro, 1/320 at f8 ISO 800, hand-held.
The stereo is crosseye.
It almost has a human face Harold if you study it closely - shows up in the 3D so well.
Link to my personal website: http://www.pauliddon.co.uk
I wish you had told me. Now, every time...