Lens Test: Damsel
in Holy Macro
In May 2020 I had to send my main macro lens for repair. I couldn’t be without it so I purchased another copy. It was a used one so I did some test shots to see if it was OK. I then placed the images in a folder and forgot about them and carried on using the lens.
Because of the distance and the timid subject, I used a matched x2TC, which is my normal practice for such subjects.
These images have had various degree of cropping but no more than 50% (first image).
It was very harsh lighting so I have modified highlights and some contrast.
The stereos are crosseye.
Olympus EM-1 (aperture priority), Olympus 4/3 x2 TC, Olympus 4/3 50mm f2 macro, 1/100, 1/160, 1/200 at f11, f8, and f11 ISO 400, hand-held.
The lens performed as expected.