RESULTS: Mini Challenge #327: You can't see the forest for the trees...

sarasphotossarasphotos Registered Users Posts: 3,872 Major grins
edited November 14, 2021 in The Dgrin Challenges

Thanks for all of the fine entries. I'll comment in order of posting:

@JAG Joyce, it was nice to see your first shot with a frost-bedecked forest-I really got the sense of being there (brrrr!). Your second shot with the sun shining through the trees was my favorite of the three although the sun was perhaps a bit too strong and killed some sky (perhaps underxposed and pop the shadows in pp?).

@grandmaR Nice set, grandmy, all right on theme. Although I liked all three, my favorite is the third where one really gets the "forest-feel" with the thick stand of trees and rich color palate. And I was really surprised at the amount of color detail in the sky - is this from a scan?

@pegelli Pieter, you certainly lived up to your original challenge with this fine set. I liked all three shots and am torn between 2 and 3 for my favorite. The Foggy WInter Morning really hits home for me as it's exactly what we're experiencing at this time of year. The Glowy Grove is also quite special - I can't tell if it really is that way or if you played with the "clarity" slider in Lightroom. :smile:

@DavidRGillespie Nicely foresty, Dave! I especially appreciate that you included a recently taken shot. I enjoyed the textural feel of the hemlock trees in #2. My favorite is #1, the stand of aspens - well balanced and nicely exposed.

@bfluegie Good shots, Barbara! In #2 I'm not sure I like that big left-leaning tree in the foreground, but I well appreciate the difficulty of being able to control the framing in the middle of a forest. #3 "White Mountains Autumn" is simply lovely, I can hear the leaves crunching and smell the damp of the forest floor.

@lkbart Lillian, all of yours were right on the mark of what I was looking for in this challenge. 1 and 2 are my favorites - they both do a very nice job of leading the eye into the forest without artificial help. The Norther California Aspens practically swallowed me!

@sapphire73 Gretchen, thanks for contributing these two lovely shots - both of them are exactly on brief and invite me to tramp into the forest - who needs a path??

The winners are:

3rd place:
@DavidRGillespie The Hemlock Forest (great texture and mood)

2nd Place: TIE
@lkbart Northern California Aspens (a green blanket)

@bfluegie White Mountains Autumn (the essence of Fall)

1st Place:
@pegelli Foggy Winter Morning (elegant simplicity)

It's over to you, Pieter!


  • grandmaRgrandmaR Registered Users Posts: 2,356 Major grins

    Congratulations to Pieter - I was sure when I saw those photos that he would have to win.

    No my 3rd shot was taken in October 2014 in Vermont. It wasn't a scan. Only the first photo of that set was a scan of a 35 mm slide.

    “" adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered." G.K. Chesterton”
  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator

    Thanks Sara for a nicely ran challenge and for the great comments for everyone. The image with the sun shining through the trees was directly shot through my cell phone and no manipulation was done afterwards. Congrats to Pieter ( @pegelli ) and the runner ups, Barbara, Lillian and David!

  • bfluegiebfluegie Registered Users Posts: 871 Major grins

    Sara, thanks for an excellent challenge, and thanks for selecting my autumn photo to share second place. That one was taken a while ago. The other two were taken last week in the Smoky Mountains. Congratulations to Pieter @pegelli for the win--that was my favorite photo as well. And congrats also to @DavidRGillespie and @lkbart for placing.

  • pegellipegelli Registered Users Posts: 8,980 Major grins

    Wow, I'm chuffed, never expected that among so many fine entries. Thanks Sara for the comments and a fine run challenge. And to answer your question, the glowy grove was a pure lens effect, it was taken with a very old Meyer Görlitz Trioplan 100/2.8, famous for its bubble bokeh but when used wide open without strong background highlights and at larger distances it produces this dreamy look. So no lightroom trickery, it's pure lens character.

    Also congrats to Barbara, Lillian and Dave for the other honourable places, all could have been winners in my book too.

    I'll think about a next subject and have something up over the coming days.

    Pieter, aka pegelli
    My SmugMug
  • lkbartlkbart Registered Users Posts: 1,912 Major grins

    Great challenge Sara - & thanks for the 2nd place tie! Lots of gorgeous photos, congrats to Pieter for the win - & to Barbara & Dave for placing too!

    A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
  • LexingtonAlarmLexingtonAlarm Registered Users Posts: 38 Big grins
    Thanks for the challenge, Sarah.. Unfortunately I missed the deadline as I am new to Dgrin. I spend a lot of time in the forests in New Hampshire, and perhaps I will come across another challenge where some of these photos may apply.
  • sarasphotossarasphotos Registered Users Posts: 3,872 Major grins

    @LexingtonAlarm Welcome to DGRIN! So sorry that you missed the Mini deadline but I'm sure that you'll find an opportunity to show your work - there are the Mini-Challenges and then the various "Themed Threads", Never-ending Alphabet Game and the DGRIN Association Game which are all great ways to share. And if you're interested in feedback the various themed categories like "Landscape" and "Other Cool Shots" provide us all with an opportunity to post a shot or two and get comments and constructive criticism from our fellow members. Jump in!

    @JAG wow, for an "undeveloped" cell shot that was quite good! I take back what I said!!! :smiley:

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