Where there's "Smoker" there's "Fire"
Today on Lake Conroe ( about 1 hour north of where I live) there was a demonstration of The "Canadair 415 Superscooper", This plane it's designed to skims the water of lakes or seas, and in 12 seconds it Scoops-up 1600 gallons of water and than fly to drop it on the fire.
...and these are some more
Nice work, Gabe.
Oh my #4 is like its carrying a storm with it. I don't know how to exactly play with it, but I would explore monochrome and use some effect or whatever to make it even more dramatic or give it a try at least.
Also #3 is good. If mine, I would straighten the horizon and mask out the tower sticking out and add some constrast too....bit hazy....
Cheers Gatto!
Good set! I agree with Taz.
Nice set, my fave is #4.
Thank you
Thanks Taz, I wish I was good at editing, I can only do basic stuff, all pictures are a bit hazy because it was at noon with the plane between me and the Sun, worst possible light condition, but hey I get what I can :-)
thank you > @sarasphotos said:
thank you
Works for me! Bravo Gatto! You could add little bit of vignetting to it! Cheers!
Wow! Great captures. I can't imagine the skill required to fly this craft. Taking on water and weight and increasing power to compensate. That has to be some special skill set.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
These are all very good, albeit as you say the daytime sun and the shooting position.
Some very good shots here, #s 4 and 7 standout for me. I can see some minor tweaks that could "pop" these images.
The colors, overall are appealing and contribute to some great shots. Well done!
Thanks for sharing these and giving us a peek at this special aircraft.
Wonder if the pilots are also required to have a fishing license? 😉
El Gato