Feeding the flock
A regular event for us. We walk on the beach and my wife feeds the seagulls.
This shot is the slightly revised one.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Very cool!
Thank you, Cristóbal. The birds you see here are a scouting element from a much larger group that's circling a little further out. If the scouts find a happy hunting area, they ALL show up. I counted over 50 in the main group. One time, I rolled up the fresh bread into 5 balls, each about an inch in diameter. I threw them all at once as high as I could. Not a one made it to the ground. These guys are good.
Sweeet Tom! What a wonderful moment and beautiful day and great capture! Lovely wife too!
If mine, I lose 1 inch from top.
Cheers Tom!
Thanks, Taz. Looking at the image again, and with your suggestion in mind, I agree with you. In fact, I went about 1 and 1/4 inch off the top....got rid of almost all of that high stretch of clouds. I like it better now. I really appreciate the input. Stay safe, brother.
yay its a framer now!!
I agree with Taz, but I would go a bit further. For me removing the sliver of blue sky above the cloud on the left brings balance to the image.
Thanks for the additional comment, buddy. If I pull the top margin down any more, the horizon line would almost split the image into two equal parts....it doesn't look too good to me structured that way.
Flying in formation...keeping pace with your war plane post.
So, question....one bird in freeze frame sequence or multiple birds from the flock?
If you did not mento that this is an image of the advance scouting party,, it really looks as if you captures one bird, freeze framed its approach and combined them into a single image.
Nicely done as a single image format, with multiple scouting gulls.
El Gato
I tell you, Al, you give me more credit than I deserve. I have no idea how to perform the freeze frame sequence procedure you allude to. Do you suppose that my camera can be programed to launch that process by voice command? Just kidding. I truly am limited. though, in what PP work I can do. And I've got all the hardware and software to do just about anything.. Color me lazy.