Moss on a rampage
This is a snapshot I fired off on my latest stalking of the grounds of the Bonaventure Cemetery in Savannah, Ga. I'd love to catch that tree under some spooky circumstances, which the place often experiences. Let there be a really overcast day, muffled even lighting, and a sense of moisture in the air.......I know it could be a killer shot. I have to work on that one.
Several forum members have recounted their trips to this cemetery. If you get to Savannah, this should be considered a " must see " place. A low, consistent, and pervasive cloud cover is by far the preferable shooting condition for the place. Bright sunny days are the get world-class mottled lighting because of all the trees and shooting can get really tricky.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
I bet a dusk shot in either bw or IR would be very cool and creepy!
I'm in tune with you here, Cristóbal. I don't shoot IR so it will be the B&W approach for me. I used to rarely shoot B&W but, due to some influence from several folks on our forum.....mainly Al ( El Gato ) ....I've become convinced that B&W has some terrific advantages that can often save a situation. Sometimes, B&W can deliver artistic results you just can't get with color. I'll get back up to Savannah the first time I see a couple of week-days that work for me.
I wouldn't go there at night
I hear you, Taz. They shut down access to the two large cemeteries ( located side-by-side ) in Savannah at sundown. However, I've been there when it is still daylight, but because of foreboding inclement weather, the " spooky " rating for the place goes off the charts.
A note of interest: Savannah is the most status oriented population of folks that I've ever experienced. The ranking of social strata sets the tone for the entire city. Newcomers to the area, regardless of their wealth, find acceptance from the old guard there hard to come by.
Fans of the book and movie " Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil " may appreciate something I experienced while in the Bonaventure cemetery. I asked one of the employees there where the gravesite was for the young man that was shot and killed by Jim Williams....a principal in the real-life saga. I was told, rather emphatically, that folks of that ilk were never permitted to be buried in Bonaventure. Their resting place was relegated to the adjoining cemetery....named Greenfield, if I remember correctly. Incidentally, in the movie, that young man was identified as Billy Hansen. His real name was Danny Hansford. He was the only character in the movie that was not identified by his real name. The word was that Clint Eastwood was leery of some possible legal repercussions if he used the young man's real name. The " lady Chablis" transgender role was played by himself. I caught his/her cabaret show several times....quite entertaining. He died at the age of 59 in 2016.
Kudos...sir, nice shot.
I'd go with the IR converted then to BW...spooky indeed!
BW straight away would make this image "pop" but, then again my tendencies toward BW do not make me impartial.
I hope you get an opportunity to get back there, for another photo opportunity.
El Gato
Thanks, Al. I'll certainly get back to the Bonaventure cemetery. It's one of my favorite haunts in Savannah.