Just Nosey or Dangerous?
in Holy Macro
On the cut surface of the willow log where I found the Gasterupteron there was a great deal going on. Various species of wasps were showing interest, sometimes entering the nest holes of others. Some will parasitise others.
The head of the wasp in the hole is clearly different from that of its observer.
I couldn't get as close as I wanted, as it spooked the wasps. I used 100mm lens and cropped by about 50%.
The stereo is crosseye.
Olympus EM-1 (aperture priority), Olympus 4/3 x2 TC, Olympus 4/3 50mm f2 macro, 1/320 at f9 ISO 2000, hand-held.
We could be looking at Crossocerus sp. similar to the one I have Harold (will post it).
Link to my personal website: http://www.pauliddon.co.uk
Yes, the visitor is, due to its square head (viewed from above).