Parasitic Wasp series

Over the past few weeks I have captured a few different species of parasitic wasps. Hope you enjoy them.
Braconid Wasps - Braconidae
Chalcidoid Wasps - Trichogrammatidae
The Trichogrammatidae are a family of tiny wasps in the Chalcidoidea that include some of the smallest of all insects, with most species having adults less than 1 mm in length, with species of Megaphragma having an adult body length less than 300 μm. The over 840 species are placed in about 80 genera; their distribution is worldwide. Trichogrammatids parasitize the eggs of many different orders of insects. As such, they are among the more important biological control agents known, attacking many pest insects (especially Lepidoptera).
Braconid Wasps - Braconidae - Genus Atanycolus
Braconid Wasps - Doryctinae
Braconid Wasps - Braconidae
Ichneumonid Wasps- Ichneumonidae - Genus Anomalon
Ichneumonid Wasps- Netelia
Wonderful selection of shots.
Brian V.
A very nice selection.
Many decades ago, I used Trichigramma in labs tests with pesticides.
Thank you Brian
Thank you e6filmuser!
A nice selection DW, well done m8.
Link to my personal website:
Thank you Paul, I appreciate it.
Very nice
My Smugmug gallery
Thank you